Quality Hummer Products by G.T. Incorporated
G. T. Incorporated was created in 1994 by Tom & Sharon Cepek to distribute the Hummer Products that we've designed, developed, and marketed, specifically for the Hummer H1, H2, & H3 vehicles.
Our goal is to increase the number of those product offerings with unique products of our own design and manufacture, while at the same time providing the highest quality available to the Hummer Owner.
Our affiliations and experience for the past 65 years in the light truck automotive aftermarket are wide and varied, including, but not limited to, one of the sponsors of Rod Hall International for almost 30 years, 30 years as a member of S.E.M.A., 1986 SEMA Person of the Year, former owners of Dick Cepek, Inc., Four Wheel Drive Instructor for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, and named Retailer of the Year by a prominent magazine publishing group.

G. T. Incorporated takes pride in our ability to create quality products. As well, our customers take pride in the everlasting quality and workmanship in the products they receive, whether being used on the road, or through dense off-road terrain!
Below are a few of our customer testimonials we have received. To view pictures, and more information click on the testimony.